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black pepper, peppercorns, dried Updated: 25th Sep 2023

black pepper, peppercorns, dried

Measurements taken for recipes

Average weight 0.1g
Teaspoon 2.3g
Tablespoon 6.9g
Cup 175g
Glass 140g

General Facts in 100g

Energy 251kcal
Carbohydrates 64.0g
Sugars 0.64g
Fiber 25.3g
Fat 3.26g
Protein 10.4g

Vitamins in 100g

A 0.027mg
B1 0.108mg
B2 0.18mg
B3 1.14mg
B5 1.4mg
B6 0.291mg
B9 0.017mg
E 1.04mg
K 0.164mg

Minerals in 100g


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